Got kids? You're at the right place.
Got kids? You're at the right place.
We have some amazing coaches who are ready to open the Bible and teach our kids! They learn that God made them, Jesus loves them, and how they can be more like Jesus. Digging into the Bible and participating in activities that really bring the lesson to life, is a big part of our Sundays and Wednesdays.
SUNDAYS / 10am
Sundays we meet during regular church time, while the adults are in big church. Everyone has a place to learn and grow! When you arrive at Pathway on Sunday, please visit the Check-In area to get ready to go to class! At the Check-In area, each kids will receive a sticker that has their name and a code on it that matches a sticker that the parent will get. Parents, please show the sticker that you are given when you are picking up your child. This will help up us tremendously! PathwayKIDS hopes to equip each child with the Good News of Jesus. The goal is to disciple each kid to an authentic faith in Jesus and a growing relationship with God.
During the school year, we meet on Wednesdays from 6:15-7:45. There are classes available for 3 year olds (who are potty trained) to 6thgrade! This night is a bit different because it allows us more time in small groups or teams. We have small group times, a large group time of Bible lesson and songs, and a GAME TIME! Our staff or "coaches" are ready to lead your kids each week. We hope to see you soon and bring someone with you! Below is a list of each PathwayKIDS team:
+ Wednesdays Launch - August 24th - 6:15pm
+ Trunk or Treat - October 30th - 5pm
+ Christmas Celebration - December 7th - 6:15pm
Heather Meador
Heather serves as the Director of our kids ministry, PathwayKIDS. Her vision and passion for families and kids makes PathwayKIDS a special ministry to be a part of. As a mother of two boys, Heather has a heart to see discipleship happen in the home as well as in the church. The dynamic PathwayKIDS team that she leads ministers to kids birth through sixth grade. She has served in this role since 2012.
Keri Fultz
Keri has been a part of our PathwayKIDS team as PreK Coordinator for the last two years. She has created such a fun atmosphere for our 3-5 year olds. Her genuine love for watching young kids grow in their knowledge of Jesus and the Bible is contagious! Keri has three daughters and a wonderful husband, Derek. Pathway is so blessed to have Keri in this role.
We use a curriculum group called Orange. We are excited to be a part of a group that believes the light of the church (yellow) and the love of the home (red) can work together (orange) to speak the sametruths over our kids to help them grow in their own authentic faith. At church, we offer Bible lessons, activities, games, songs. At home, we have Parent Cues for each month to communicate with your child, resources to help you guide your child at every phase, and we’re always ready to help you in any way we can. Our infant-PreK curriculum is called First Look. Their lessons are simple and repetitive, perfect for this age just learning who God is. They also learn Bible verses to hide in their heart, and it’s such a blessing to hear their little voices sharing God’s word. When they get to Kindergarten through 6th grade, they move to the elementary/preteen curriculum called 252 KIDS. It’s based on Luke 2:52 “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” These age groups learn about a character trait of God each month and how they can be more like Him in their daily life