Pathway Pool Party


We're gearing up for a church wide pool party at the Springdale Aquatic Center and we want you there! Join us for some fun in the water, games, and good times together. After swimming, we will head over to Murphy Park to eat! It's happening on August 10 at 3:30 p.m., so mark your calendars and bring your swimsuits. 


Costs:   Ages 5 and up - $4   |   Ages 1 to 4 - $3   |   Ages under 1 - Free


When the aquatic center closes at 5:45, everyone will make their way down into the park towards the pavilion between the aquatic center and the library. Pathway will provide pizza for everyone to eat before we head home.


No need to sign up, just join us at the pool around 3:30! We have the green and yellow tent pavilions reserved inside the aquatic center next to the large slides. Our water coolers will be located there.


Let's make a splash and enjoy a great time together!